Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What are alternatives to sponges for dishwashing?

I read that sponges harbor a lot of bacteria, so what are some other options I could use for washing my dishes?

That is absolutley true about the bacteria but keep in mind that you can easily get rid of that bacteria too... I prefer a sponge so I keep a small jar with bleach on my sink and I regularly soak my sponge in hot water with a lil' bleach for 30 seconds or so... Also, when I run my dishwasher I always put my sponge in the washer too and then microwave it for 20 seconds... Also -- Sponges are cheap so I replace mine often

A dishwasher.

They have brushes. I've seen people use dish rags, but to me that's more disgusting than a sponge. I do use those scotch sponges, but I toss them out about once a week or so.

I use chamois cloth dish towels. You can use them then wash them with the clothes.

welll anything you use will harbor bacteria in the dock of the soap unless you wash it!

Washcloth, or if used lightly, paper towel.

wash rag

there are trow a way ones also that have dish soap in them

you soak a dryer sheet in a sticky pan then wash with it

hope they help u

Those dish brushes...dont know if they have a proper name.

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